How much does Exxen cost? Current packages

digital broadcasting platform Exxen, Acun MediaFounder and owner of Acun Ilicali It was introduced by the end of 2020. The company, which started broadcasting as of January 1, 2021, received the broadcasting rights as well as the series and movie contents it shared. Champions League and Europa League It was also on the agenda with group matches. For this reason, many people have been directed here and May It has reached 1 million members. you too Exxen If you want to open a membership on and are wondering how much the current package price is, here are the details…

Exxen decision from RTÜK: Which matches will be free?

Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) put an end to the Champions League discussions that started with Exxen. Here are the games that will be broadcast for free.

How much are the current packages on the Exxen platform?

Digital broadcasting platforms continue to become widespread day by day. Succeeding in attracting users with the content they offer. Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney Plus Services like these have managed to reach hundreds of millions of people around the world. From domestic platforms BluTV and Puhu TVAfter the success of ExxenIt manages to stand out with the innovations it offers in .

Exxen, as a membership fee for accessing the content published on the platform with advertisements. 9.90 If you want TL, if you want to watch the same content without ads, you can pay monthly. 19.90 You have to pay TL. There is a similar situation with sports packages, and these packages also include standard memberships.

If you choose the advertised package, monthly 49.80 TL if in ad-free package 59.80 There is a fee of TL. Of course, if you promise to stay for 1 year, then the prices are advertised. 34.80 TL, no ads 44.80 It drops to TL. However, if you have a promotional code, you should definitely use it during the membership package selection.

How to become an Exxen membership?

  • First click here ExxenLog in to the website of .
  • Then you see on the home page Name and surname and E-mail address Write your information in the sections and press the subscribe button.
  • Then create a password, your phone number enter and I accepted the contract Mark the button as selected and click the continue button.
  • For the verification process telephone or mail A password will be sent to you. However, you can skip this step if you wish.
  • appearing in front of you standard subscription or from sports packages Choose the one that suits you best and click proceed to the payment step.
  • Complete the payment by typing your card information in the last step.

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