How Does Toyota’s “5 Whys” Method Work?

Have you ever thought that you can get to the root of any problem even in daily life, thanks to the “5 Whys” method that Toyota frequently uses in problem solving? Moreover, this method is quite simple.

It’s almost like you have questions that you can’t get out of. like a boomerang You can apply it when you are going back and forth in your head. There is a simple and effective method. Although it may not seem very effective at first glance, when you start applying this method, you will find yourself questioning every event. to the root of the problem You can find it while descending.

“5 Reasons” You can use the method in most areas of your life. This method will be very useful in a problem you encounter at work, in a situation you encounter in your education life, or even in any situation where you keep coming back to the same point while questioning. How Does?

This method was developed by Sakichi Toyoda.

Yes, usually such methods famous philosophers and it comes from famous names who have achieved great success in specific fields. However, this technique was developed by the founder of Japanese automobile giant Toyota. Sakichi Toyoda developed.

developed in the 1930s but in the 1970s It became popular and Toyota still uses this technique to solve problems today.

The technique is based on the “Go and See” philosophy.


“Go and See” philosophy is a philosophy that Toyoda adopts in the production process of automobiles. Going out into the field and looking at what’s going on rather than thinking about the problems that arise thinking about problems aims. So, according to Toyoda, when something happens to you, rather than sitting and making decisions, take action and find the causes of problems It seems more logical.

So how exactly does this technique work?

“5 Reasons” The technique does not examine the events in depth at first, but analyzes them superficially. Already Here is the twist of the technique, Although it seems simple, it actually helps you analyze events in a simple way.

5 times about an event we deal with in technology. “From where?” We ask the question. This is not only a problem, but it may even be the cause of a situation that makes you wonder about the truth.

For example:

-Webtekno is the most fun and friendly form of technology!

From where?

-Because it is on its way to becoming a social media platform rather than a news site.

From where?

-Because they produce news and content that may interest the reader.

From where?

-Because Webtekno’s news editors and content producers have a solid pen.

From where?

-Because content producers and editors love creating content.

From where?

-Because producing content on Webtekno is more enjoyable and entertaining than on other websites.

As you can see, why Webtekno is the most fun and friendly form of technology? We discovered it by asking why 5 times.

Now let’s generalize this technique a little more.

Let’s imagine that a construction machine is leaking oil.

-Machine From where Is it leaking oil?

Because the seal appears to be worn, causing a small leak.

-Gasket From where worn out?

There appear to be foreign particles in the oil that could damage the integrity of the seal.

-In oil From where Are there foreign particles?

The filter installed during the last scheduled maintenance is not working properly and allows foreign particles to pass through.

-Filter From where not working properly?

The filter was not compatible, causing foreign particles to remain inside the machine. These foreign particles caused the seal to rust and cause a leak.

-Accurate filter From where not changed?

The technician responsible for maintenance did not have sufficient knowledge.

As you can see, the reason why the work machine is leaking oil is not just a malfunction in the machine, but actually the technician does not have enough knowledge. Seemingly Although the cause of the incident seems simple, We realize that there is actually a completely different reason.

Now Toyota’s 5 Why technique Now that you have learned, you can use the technique to discover the cause of events as soon as possible. If you found the technique useful when you implemented it, do not forget to share it in the comments.

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