How does Google know what to search for?

The world’s most popular search engine, Google, attracts users with its highly advanced algorithms. However, the technologies used by the company are so advanced that not only does it bring you what you are looking for, it is yours. guessing what you might want to look for gives you suggestions. When you search, it completes the sentence you will type as if it knows you. So how does the company do this? How does Google know what to search for?

Google Chrome 93 is live: Here’s what’s new

The new version 93 for Google Chrome is available on computers as well as Android and iOS.

Google surprises with its ability to store and process data

Run a Google supported browser (Chorme, Mozilla or Edge) on your computer or mobile devices. In the search bar that appears, type the sentence describing what you want to search for. Google will suggest suitable predictions for you in the search bar. These predictions are not random, of course. the company knows you and It can anticipate what you might want to look for.

Alright How can Google predict what to look for? We will follow a way to find out. Technology giant, operating in every field services It collects the most precious treasure of today’s century with every second. Data, which is today’s treasure, is processed by Google and used against us to improve working performance.

This data can be collected with our Google account, as well as from previous data of our IP addresses. How does Google know what to look for? There is a good method to find the answer to the question and to understand it better. Google Chrome It is a method that we can access immediately from our browser and witness it live.

To see what’s going on and understand how Google collects data, go to Google Chrome’s omnibox “chrome://omnibox/Type ” and press enter. It may differ in different browsers. For example, in Microsoft’s Edge browser “edge://omnibox/You must type ‘. You will see a small search bar where you press the Enter key and tabs where you can make different settings.

How does Google know what to search for?

When you start typing characters in the small search box; Certain predictions will appear based on your search history, search results and bookmarks. You frequently visit if you start typing a URL, you will see that the browser shows you much more details, such as when you last visited and how often. How much is your browser actually? to a great memory that you have and that Google how you store data you will have seen.

How does gogole guess what we're going to look for?

There are different browser addresses to see more of the data Google has collected about you. E.g, “chrome://media-engagement/If you type ” it will show you the websites you visit for media interaction. “chrome://predictors/” address will really surprise you. If you type this address into your browser, you can also see the websites that Google will recommend to you when you search and that you have the highest visit rate. Thus, you can see with your own eyes the analysis that Google has made using your data.

How does Google collect data and where does it use it?

21st century treasure is data. Large companies spend fortunes to access and store this treasure. It is already known that Google is one of the biggest and best companies in the world when it comes to data. Everything they learn about you a better experience submissions and more money It is important for them to win.

How does Google know what to search for?

All companies love data. For Google, data is essential. your google account or your IP address can detect you. From the searches you search to the applications you browse, from the type of music you listen to the applications you download, you can track almost your every move in the virtual world. with the help of services is watching. These collected data can be processed into information and used in survey studies. It is very easy for Google to get data such as which products are selling more this summer.

With the information obtained through the data collected from you, you related ads can be displayed. When you encounter related ads, You will be more likely to visit Google’s The probability of making money also increases. It’s not enough just to show ads. By getting to know you better and optimizing your searches a better performance It also uses data to present it.

This phenomenon, on which the paragraphs written on it, will not be sufficient,Big Data” is the very concept. After this point “How does Google know what to search for?Even asking the question ” is to belittle. Knowing us better than ourselves, Google can even tell us what we want to search after this information.

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