How Did Submarines Appear? – Webtekno

Submarines are ship-like vessels that can travel underwater and transport people and equipment at depths at which they dive. This technology has become an important carrier used for exploring the underwater world, conducting military operations and submarine warfare.

Submarines have a long history. In the following centuries, they have undergone great evolutions with technological developments and have reached the present day.

If the basic ideas are Unfortunately, there is no clear date on when the submarine was found, although it emerged in the history of humanity dating back thousands of years. Let’s examine this adventure that has survived from ancient times to the present day.

Since ancient times, different designs have been tried in order to breathe and explore underwater.

B.C. in the 4th century, Aristotle is known to have speculated that submarines could be inhabited like those above water. Also, BC. In 332, Archimedes designed a kind of air container considering the possibility of breathing underwater. This shows us that many experimental designs and prototypes of the submarine have been developed throughout history.

Leonardo da Vinci in the 16th century, He drew the design of various underwater vehicles, among which he created one of the first submarine projects capable of transporting people underwater. However, these designs were not implemented due to the lack of necessary technological infrastructure and materials at that time.

The first known submarine with certainty appears in 1620.

1620 submarine

During the reign of King James I of England, Dutch engineer Cornelius Drebbel built a submarine. The design of this tool belongs to the English mathematician William Bourne. This design is actually considered the ancestor of modern submarines. The submarine, designed as a vehicle that moves in water using oars, was built between 1620 and 1624. Tried on the River Thames.

The submarine model, which passed the tests successfully, was thus started to be produced. First the purpose view under the sea Military use was not yet widespread.

Another example was a sandal produced by İbrahim Efendi, who was the chief architect of the shipyard in the 18th century.

ottoman submarine

This sandal produced in the Ottoman Empire He dived in the circumcision ceremony of the princes of Sultan Ahmet III. On the head of the submarine, which was produced in the shape of a crocodile, there were trays of the famous zerde pilaf of the Ottoman Empire.

The construction of the submarine suitable for naval warfare was not realized until the American War of Independence. The first propeller-driven submarine was built in 1775 by an American engineer. The Turtle bore his name.

One of his tried but unsuccessful submarines also inspired a novel by Jules Verne.


After the construction of the submarine, the expected result could not be achieved in many trials. The first practical submarine was developed by American inventor Robert Fulton in the early 1800s. It is a submarine called “Nautilus”. However, the Nautilus had very limited dives and was not suitable for long underwater missions. This submarine remained the subject of a novel only.

In the 1840s, German inventor Wilhelm Bauer He developed the submarine he named “Brandtaucher”. The Brandtaucher was a torpedo-laden submarine and was used in a conflict with Denmark, but without success.

Technological developments as a result of the Industrial Revolution made it necessary for the Ottoman Empire to make an innovation in this field.

ottoman submarine

In the 1880s, the Ottoman navy was in a weak state. II. The navy developed during the reign of Abdulhamid Two special ships with state-of-the-art technology have been ordered for The state, which thought that it was far behind the West, wanted to make up for its deficiencies by taking measures for this situation. The inclusion of submarines in the navy also developed as a result of such a decision.

In 1886, the first machine was launched in the Golden Horn accompanied by a ceremony. The submarine recorded successful results with every dive. The submarines, which were tested many times, thus joined the Ottoman navy on March 14, 1888, with an official ceremony.

Submarine technology gained great importance in the military field during World War I at the beginning of the 20th century.


German U-Boots Submarines, known as submarines, had a great influence in warfare and were used as effective weapons against ships in naval warfare. By conducting covert operations underwater, submarines were successful in strategic tasks such as sinking enemy ships and cutting logistics chains.

II. submarines during WWII evolved into models that are faster, quieter and can stay underwater longer. Nuclear powered ones were also developed during this period, offering longer range and higher speed, increasing the strategic importance of submarines.

Today, submarines are still used in military operations, but they also play important roles in scientific research, submarine tourism and exploration. Thanks to ever-evolving technology, submarines continue to become safer, more efficient and sustainable. Future submarine technology will allow us to explore the mysterious world under the seas even more deeply.


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