Hidden Depression: Living to the Bottom While Looking Happy

Hidden depression (masked depression, smiling depression) is a dangerous health problem because it is a type of depression that is difficult to detect.

Depression occurs in 1 out of every 4 people. People with major depression often appear unhappy, have trouble getting out of bed, and are unable to do their routine work. Not everyone experiences depression in the same way.

Important note: Although this content has been compiled from different scientific sources, we strongly remind you to consult a specialist to understand whether you have a hidden depression.

There is no sign of sadness in the facial expression of the person with hidden depression, there is a fake smile.

The person with hidden depression may appear psychologically well, do their daily chores and be cheerful all day. Therefore, the people around him think that he is not depressed, and even the person himself may not realize this situation. Person even if his inner world is bleeding may not reflect this outwardly or may not feel genuinely happy despite smiling at an event.

A person with hidden depression prefers to go to different doctors instead of a psychiatrist.


Because dermatological problems, gastrointestinal problems, sexual problems are seen and Head, neck, back, joint pain such as chronic pain. It is thought that the cause of pain is not psychological, but this is at its root.

In the brain of the depressed person, the hormone serotonin decreases, which increases the sensation of pain and more disturbing aches and pains occur. As long as the possibility of being psychological is ignored, it may be necessary to continue with these pains for many years.

It is like thinking that the acne on your body is caused by excessive oil consumption and realizing that it is actually because you are stressed. That’s why the effect of chemical changes in the brain should not be ignored.

Symptoms of normal depression include:

depression treatment

  • inability to enjoy life
  • appetite disorders
  • feeling worthless
  • Instability
  • lack of concentration
  • Forgetfulness
  • lack of motivation
  • pessimistic thinking
  • clinging to past events
  • don’t blame yourself
  • sexual dysfunction
  • Sleeping disorders

Bodily dysfunctions are more common in latent depression. It is more common in people who have difficulty expressing their emotions. If emotions cannot be suppressed and expressed, your body starts talking for you and these problems arise.

In addition, in contrast to major depression, an increase in sleep, appetite and sexual desire is observed in latent depression.

If you have similar complaints, it would be beneficial for your health to consult a psychiatrist. It can be resolved with medication and psychotherapy.

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