He hid R-73 military missiles in his house but got caught!

You must have read many news of arrests so far. Perhaps hundreds of people a day from different countries of the world are arrested for different reasons. However, what you are about to read is one of those rare situations. A man in Venezuela hid a military R-73 missile in his home. But soon law enforcement caught that man. Here are the interesting events and their details that took place in Venezuela…

He hid a military missile in the cellar, but was soon caught!

R-73, a Russian-made military missile, NATO name AA-11, was designed by the Soviet Union in the 1980s. R-73, a close air-to-air combat missile with a range of 0.5–30 km, can be considered old compared to today’s technologies. However, it can still have serious consequences when it falls into inexperienced or malicious hands.

He hid R-73 military missiles in his house but got caught!

According to the news by The War Zone, a civilian in Venezuela was caught with an R-73 missile in the backyard of his house. The person who hid the R-73 missile produced for military purposes was arrested in an operation carried out by the Venezuelan army. The team that seized the military missile conducted investigations in the region and at different addresses.

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Venezuela, which is among the worst economies in the world with an inflation rate of 404 percent, hosts many illegal events along with the economic crisis. Events such as human and arms smuggling, drug production and sale constitute the normal agenda of the country. However, similar events are rare.

After the wars, similar products were found in many regions. One person was even filmed hiding a German tank in his own garage. Governments took the necessary measures regarding the issue. In addition, it was prohibited to keep such war products even for collection purposes. People who find or have the products must deliver them to the necessary authorities.

So what do you think about this incident in Venezuela? Don’t forget to express your opinions in the comments section.

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