Have Astrologers’ Prophecies Come True? – Webtekno

In this content, we will not feel the need to explain why astrology is a fallacy; Because this is no different than trying to explain that the Earth does not rest on a turtle. We will look at how astrologer’s prophecies did not come true again and again; We will have a lot of fun while doing this.

We had previously infiltrated the flat earthers group on Facebook and made fun of the weirdness there. We wrote a content. Just as the question “Why isn’t the world flat?” If we did not feel the need to write a content like this, we did not feel the need to write a detailed scientific content for this subject.

Come on then, different claims of different astrologers Let’s take a look at how these things did not happen.

Let’s start with a claim that has been on the agenda for the last week or two: Turkey’s future will change!

We just ask; the person in question, “The future is in the sky.” Could he have misunderstood his words?

The details of our astrologer sister’s claim were as follows: Underground miracles may occur in Turkey. Some chests may appear. Treasures may be found. The curtain of astrological secrets will be opened. September 20-28 We will hear a lot of bombshell news in Turkey. I don’t know whether gold or oil will gush out from the ground. But between these dates Türkiye will become very rich. The eyes of the whole world will be on our country. These dates are a very bingo period.

Well, between you Does anyone feel like they have stumbled into great wealth? The Constitutional Court’s MTV decision actually made me poorer, I don’t know about you.


Annoying Additional MTV Decision from the Constitutional Court: We Will Pay Pasha Pasha…

Various allegations were made during the election period. For example, there was an astrologer who pressed all the buttons:

astrologer prediction

It’s like playing 1-0-2 in Iddaa, you get it all right. Considering İmamoğlu’s emphasis on his prediction, Even the “apparent village” in astrology requires guidance.

Let’s continue with the election: Unsurprisingly, this prophecy that was much talked about that week did not come true.

astrology comments

One of the astrologers whose name we often hear, “If Kılıçdaroğlu wins the election, Galatasaray will be the champion. If Erdoğan wins the election, Fenerbahçe will be the champion.” he said.

Moreover, they did not know about the US elections. Even if they knew, the probability of it being accepted was already 50%.



Moreover, since astrology examines the movements of celestial bodies and these are fixed, Why doesn’t everyone make the same predictions?

Why couldn’t astrologers, who made prophecies about which month the pandemic would last, say that the pandemic would come?

astrologer pandemic

Whereas scientists They stated with concrete data that a pandemic awaits us in the future. Since they were not astrologers, no one took them into consideration in the mainstream media.

There are even those who make match predictions, but for some reason we cannot see an astrologer who places bets and turns the corner.

astrologer claims

Let’s see if this prediction comes true:

galatasaray match

No comment!

Another prediction of the same astrologer that did not come true:

astrologer prediction

Well at least He kept the country.

Earthquake predictions are a must. After all, it’s eye-catching.

earthquake predictions

We examined whether there was an earthquake of that magnitude in the places in question on the mentioned date:


Yes, it didn’t happen, but it could have happened. After all, we are an earthquake country and there are active fault lines in Marmara. Even if there was an earthquake at that time We couldn’t call it a “prophecy fulfilled.”


Facts about the ‘Earthquake Seer’ Frank Hoogerbeets, who is said to have known about the Kahramanmaraş Earthquake 3 Days Ago!

When we look at other predictions of the same astrologer, we encounter many similar situations.



“Still, sometimes they seem to know!” If you say so, the reason for this misconception may be the Barnum Effect.


If the horoscope interpretations and horoscopes you read seem to suit you, this is because, in fact, Most of these comments are made to suit people.

“While sign X feels good, sometimes it doesn’t feel good.” A comment like this is made, and the reader says, “Oh, that’s me!” but says Almost every person experiences this situation.

Likewise, positive sentences such as “You are a social person, but you also enjoy spending time with yourself” that meet every situation satisfy all people, not only you, but also you. In fact, it defines everyone.

Astrologers also often use the “Texas Sniper Fallacy.”

texas sniper

Pay attention to the visual; Someone who takes a lot of shots paints around the holes to make it look like they hit the target. Astrologers also make a lot of throws And if there are people who keep it once in a while, they advertise it. The masses believe this too.

This is the situation in a nutshell. Or Saturn, Neptune etc. are not going to leave their job and follow our election and league.


It has been announced that those who believe in horoscopes or those who do not believe in horoscopes are smarter


”Scary” Facts That Nobody Told You About Baba Vanga’s Famous Prophecies


Why are fallacies such as ‘Feminine Energy’, ‘Chakra’ and ‘Aura’ that make you want to run away as soon as you hear them, so popular on social media?


Come Have Your Tea and Coffee #3: Is Astrology Real or Bunkum? Where Do Zodiac Signs and Their Symbols Come From? We Explained It in All Details

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