GPT-4’s Shocking Capabilities

Introduced by OpenAI recently, GPT-4 comes with new features that will leave your mouth open while closing the gaps of the previous model.

Artificial intelligence As assisted vehicles gain new skills every day, people also “will take our jobs” is strengthened in the right proportion. But interestingly (and as it should be) this has been more of a concern lately than fear. keep upbegan to turn into an effort to adapt. In this context, artificial intelligence tools are no longer perceived as a threat, but as an assistant.

OpenAI newly announced by GPT-4 For this reason, it would not be wrong to say that it has a dynamic quality. You have often seen the previous model of this technology, which we will go into details. The answers he gave to the questions, the sites he created, the applications and many more came up frequently. So what changed in the new one?

GPT-3 contained 17GB of data inside.

For GPT-4, the size of this data used in training 45GB at levels. This shows that it will have a wider response capacity as well as being consistent in answers. Apart from that, if we come to the parameter issue; GPT-3, 175 billion contained parameters. Isn’t it too much? of GPT-4 100 trillion It doesn’t sound that much when you hear the parameter.

  • 175 billion = 175,000,000,000
  • 100 trillion = 100,000,000,000,000

The new model of this huge parameter difference on the Internet to the human brain It is claimed that it will bring it closer, but unless you experience it first hand, it will not be very consistent to give it in a precise language. Still, according to the answers you got from ChatGPT up to date more consistent, natural and comprehensive No doubt you will get answers.

Apart from this, this model up to 25,000 words can read, analyze and write.

In addition, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman stated that GPT-4 will not exceed GPT-3 in terms of size.


Also new model with much more powerful CPUs and GPUs It will undoubtedly work faster than before.

Finally, let’s clear up some confusion before we move on to real-life scenarios. GPT-4, just text A model you can trade with. Therefore DALL-E It cannot be used in visual or video production such as So you can create your video text, but you cannot create your video.

But that doesn’t mean it stays put when you give it an image.


Because this model, by analyzing the image, to the ability to understand also has. In other words, when you give him the image of two cars coming towards each other, he can indicate that the cars will collide. Or when he sees a plate that is about to fall in a photograph, he can say that this plate will break. Or a funny image He can also understand exactly what is funny inside.

In the image above,What happens when the glove falls off?He answers the question “The ball will take off.

Everything is fine on paper. But the difference in real-life scenarios is the most important part for us.

In the live broadcast where the new model was announced, the site description on a ‘handkerchief’ had become reality.

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