Google has not forgiven the war opportunists: Sanctions are on the way!

The crisis between Russia and Ukraine continues to affect the whole world. During this period, while countless people have been victims, the loss of life and property has been constantly increasing. Unfortunately, some individuals and institutions are trying to turn this human tragedy into a source of income.

Finally, Google, which made a statement on this issue, took care of the situation. The company announced that it will impose sanctions on those who see the Russia-Ukraine war as an opportunity to make money. It announced that they will suspend the monetization feature of content that benefits, denies or tolerates the war.

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Google will not forgive those who turn the crisis into an opportunity

Sending messages to many content producers around the world today Googleannounced that he would not allow the opportunity to pass. The following statements were made on the subject:

google-don't forgive-russia-ukraine

Dear Publisher,

Because of the war in Ukraine; We are suspending monetization for content that profits from, denies or condones war.

We have already sanctioned claims related to the war in Ukraine for violating existing policies (for example, Dangerous or defamatory content policy where monetization is prohibited on content that incites violence or denies the existence of tragic events). The purpose of this update is to clarify, and in some cases, elaborate on instructions for publishers regarding this particular conflict.

Claims that hold victims responsible for their plight or similarly target victims (eg, allegations that Ukraine committed genocide or deliberately attacked its own citizens) are within the scope of this suspension process. The content in the scope is not limited to these.

See you,
Google Ad Manager Team

So what do you think about this subject? What do you think GoogleWho will be affected by this sanction? Give your feedback in the comments section or SDN ForumYou can share it with us.

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