Google Cloud Starts Growing Its Blockchain Roster

Accelerating Google’s activities in industries such as retail and healthcare, the cloud team is starting to focus on applications based on blockchain technology.

Richard Widmann, who works in Google’s cloud team and is responsible for determining the strategies for digital assets, said to their team. many new names who are experts in blockchain He said they were ready to add.

Dapper Labs, Hedera and Theta Labs projects such as and some cryptocurrency exchanges are already taking advantage of Google’s product range. According to the statements made by Widmann, Google now offers software developers working in the blockchain field. What services can be offered began to examine.

According to CNBC’s report, Widmann “Cloud services fee trying to pay with cryptocurrencies that there are some steps that some customers can take to reduce the problems they experience” told.

Google’s services are generally known as decentralization It differs from blockchain applications. But Widmann, on the subject, “We think this can be an incentive for decentralization if we do our job right.” said.

Pointing out that it is possible to use cloud services in exchange for crypto money with this move, Google continues to work to diversify its income sources.

Google affiliate Alphabet accounted for about 82 percent of its total revenue in the third quarter of last year. from ads had achieved.

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