Google Bard will remember what you say with its Memory feature

ChatGPT, which started the artificial intelligence-supported chat trend, lost its popularity in a short time and began to decline. Wanting to take the competition to the next level, Google Bard will provide a better service by remembering the important details you tell, thanks to its Memory feature.

Google Bard will remember what you say with its Memory feature

When chatting with Bard today, each new conversation starts from a different page; So if you and a friend ask the same question on Google’s AI chat platform, you get very similar answers.

Bard needs some details, such as your current location, to personalize your answer. However, sometimes there may be details that would be tedious to remind the AI ​​at the beginning of each conversation. For example, if you’re on a gluten-free diet or have food allergies, you’ll need to tell Bard when you request recipe ideas.

It looks like Google is developing a new technology that will allow Bard to remember important details about you and your preferences. As revealed by Dylan Roussel, the upcoming Memory feature will allow Bard to take into account specific details you share with it and use them to improve future results.

In early versions of the user interface (below), Google provides some examples that Bard might be asked to remember.

  • I try to avoid eating meat
  • I have 2 children
  • Please give shorter answers

In these examples, we assume that “avoid eating meat” will be used to refine recipe suggestions, while “I have 2 children” will be used for things like travel recommendations and portion sizes for meal ideas. Similar functionality came to ChatGPT in the form of “special instructions” earlier this year.

You will be able to add new preferences from the Memory page, which can be accessed from the menu on the left. Presumably the same page will allow you to delete false or unwanted memories.

For the sake of privacy, it will be possible to quickly and easily turn off Bard’s Memory using the button on the left side of the screen. This will make it easier to start conversations that don’t rely on memories (perhaps to show a friend the Bard) or to ask the chatbot about topics you’d rather not remember for next time.

What do you think about Memory coming to Bard? What kind of details do you want him to remember? You can share it with us in the comments below.

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