GetContact hacked claim: 700 million users’ data was stolen!

Recep Baltaş, Editor-in-Chief of the technology site Technopat, claimed that the GetContact application was hacked from his Twitter account today. In this post, Recep Baltaş announced that he had received a link that hackers had seized the personal data of 700 million people, including famous names. So has the app really been hacked and what names are on the list? Let’s take a look at the details of the news together.

What to do to avoid being hacked!

We talked to Komtera Teknoloji, which is the distributor of worldwide brands, on what needs to be done to avoid being hacked.

Hackers want to contact GetContact founders!

Recep Baltaş announced that the hackers wanted to contact the founders of GetContact, otherwise they would publish the phone numbers of the founders and managers of the company. Hackers stated that they want to share the data of the list, which includes many celebrities and YouTubers.

The Editor-in-Chief announced that if the founders of GetContact do not negotiate with the hackers, they will soon begin to share the data list. Recep Baltaş’s sharing was on the agenda of social media in a short time. Many Twitter users began to comment on the subject.

GetContact is an application that is used a lot in Turkey and has become popular recently. The company defines the application as follows:

“GetContact lets you know the caller’s identity even if it’s not saved in your contacts. It filters annoying calls and lets you only allow your preferred contacts to contact you.”

The allegation that the famous journalist Nevşin Mengü was hacked a short time ago had also hit the Twitter agenda like a bombshell. The so-called hacker, who was mocked on social media, was caught in a short time and action was taken against him. Recently, the increase in data theft in our country and in the world has started to scare people who are intertwined with technology.

What do you, our readers, think about this issue? Do you think GetContact was really hacked or is it all just an allegation? You can express your thoughts in the Comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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