Germany’s hotspot is now back in Bavaria

In view of the acute corona situation, North Rhine-Westphalia is penetrating Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU) at a federal-state meeting in the coming week at the latest. “We have already lost a lot of time, the corona situation is getting worse in parts of Germany day by day,” said Wüst, who is currently chairing the Prime Minister’s Conference, on Tuesday. “A federal-state meeting should take place as soon as possible, at the latest in the coming week.

Wüst welcomed it “that now there is readiness on all sides and the urgently needed vote can finally take place”. Berlin’s outgoing governing mayor Michael Müller (SPD) had previously said in the ARD “Morgenmagazin” that he was assuming that the country leaders would soon vote together again.

Wüst had already campaigned for a federal-state meeting this week, but initially met resistance from some countries. “Close coordination between the federal and state governments increases acceptance of the rules among the population and increases planning security,” said the new NRW head of government. Politicians now have to “act decisively and quickly, because: Corona is not taking a government break”.

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