Generating New Bitcoins Is Now Harder Than Ever

Mining on the Bitcoin (BTC) blockchain, this morning’s difficulty update after that it got harder than ever before.

The update, which took place in block 719,712, increased the difficulty level in the blockchain compared to two weeks ago. 9.32 percent raising 26.64 trillion record level took it out. In terms of rate, there hasn’t been a change of this scale since August 2021.

According to the measurements made in the last two weeks, the average hash rate produced by Bitcoin miners on the blockchain was 190.71 EH/s.

digging of blocks and hence generating new bitcoin difficulty level, which determines how much effort is required to 10 minutes in the blockchain in order not to deviate from the block production time. based on average hash rate each Every 2 thousand 16 blocks is updated.

Restrictions imposed by China on miners in May last year led to a drop in the hash rate and easier bitcoin production. The recovery in the mining industry resulted in the difficulty level climbing from 13.6 trillion in July 2021 to 26.6 trillion.

The difficulty level accompanying the rise of the hash rate in the blockchain has been increasing since July 2021, except for a one-time drop in November 2021. is increasing regularly.

The total hash rate in the Bitcoin network in the past home to 70 percent After the restrictions brought by China, which makes the mining industry, countries such as Kazakhstan, especially the USA, come to the fore in today’s mining sector.

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