Free Wi-Fi Arrived Along the Beach in Izmir

Free Wi-Fi service has been put into use on the 22.5 kilometer coastline that completely covers the Izmir Bay. Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Tunç Soyer shared the details of the service called WizmirNET.

Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Tunç Soyer made a remarkable post on his Twitter account. Explaining that they have completed the Wi-Fi service work for the coastline that starts from the end of Karşıyaka and goes around the Izmir Bay and ends in İncialtı, Soyer said that on this 22.5-kilometer coastline. Wi-Fi is available for free announced.

According to Tunç Soyer’s post on Twitter, the Wi-Fi network covering the coastline of Izmir “WizmirNETWizmirNET, which Soyer describes as “Turkey’s largest free internet project”, 110 thousand users per day servicing. Thus, an impressive experience will be provided for the citizens of Izmir.

You still be careful!

Although WizmirNET, the free Wi-Fi project implemented by Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, is impressive, while using this network be careful we strongly recommend. Because public networks are the clear target of hackers all over the world. Therefore, before connecting to WizmirNET, your device make sure you set the privacy settings.

How to use WizmirNET?

  • Turn on your smartphone, tablet or laptop’s Wi-Fi and Find the WizmirNET network.
  • After making the connection to internet browser enter.
  • Record perform the operation.

Tunç Soyer’s statement on Twitter:

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