Why Do We Have Wisdom Teeth? Can We Have Wisdom Teeth?

There are some of our teeth, our most important food aids, that we don’t know why they are there. Of course, we’re talking about our wisdom teeth. What do these teeth of ours, also called “wisdom teeth”, do and why do some people never grow?

Our third molar Our wisdom teeth, which we can also call our wisdom teeth, are located in the very back of our mouth and are the teeth where we usually knock on the door of adulthood. Between the ages of 17-25 they show themselves.

Don’t just ignore teeth, when you understand why they are with us to human history You will get a little closer.

Why do we remove our wisdom teeth?

Our wisdom teeth, It plays an important role among the details that provide evidence of humanity’s evolutionary past. Our ancestors, can’t cut down on food or because he could not cook, he had to chew very rough and fibrous food. Of course, they did this with their wisdom teeth. Because they actively use these teeth, Their jaw structures were larger than ours.

Why don’t we need wisdom teeth anymore?

Our eating habits have changed over time. We can now cut food, cook it and make it softer. That’s why teeth Our need is decreasing. Additionally, our jaws have become smaller than those of our ancestors. This change means that wisdom teeth are no longer a “functional necessity”. “evolutionary residue”or transformed it.

Why are our third molars or wisdom teeth called “wisdom teeth”?

Now that we’ve gotten down to the roots of the wisdom teeth, let’s explain why we call them wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth usually appear between the ages of 17 and 25. “With age comes wisdom.” Based on the statement, a third name is given to these teeth, which we do not need so much.

Why don’t some people grow wisdom teeth?

wisdom tooth extraction

Interestingly, not all people grow wisdom teeth. This ratio is approximately 25 percent It is estimated that . Research shows that this situation depends on genetic factors. More a small jaw structure It is also a factor in wisdom teeth not erupting.

They may not stand still innocently.

wisdom toothache

While reading the article, some of their pain may come to mind. Because the process of wisdom tooth eruption can cause pain in some people. Most of the time because there is not enough space Teeth may emerge lying on their side or may not emerge completely and may remain impacted.

These situations put pressure on the surrounding teeth. pain, infection and causes irregular placement of other teeth. All these reasons lead to wisdom teeth extraction. If it affects life negatively and causes other problems such as infection and pain, consult a dentist. Extraction of wisdom teeth It may be necessary.

Although it causes problems for many people today, we have once again descended into human history thanks to our wisdom teeth.

Don’t leave without reading:


Why Did the Teeth of Ancient People Who Used Neither Toothbrushes Nor Toothpaste Never Decay?


What are the Benefits of Kissing for Our Body According to Science? It affects everything from the immune system to tooth decay!


What Happens If We Swallow Too Much Toothpaste That Sometimes Tastes Good?


Vipeholm Experiment: If only discovering the cause of tooth decay wasn’t so brutal!

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