First Episode of Börü 2039 is on Air Tonight

The broadcasting platform BluTV, which has made a name for itself with its original domestic productions, will bring the first episode of Börü 2039, the long-awaited domestic science fiction series, to the audience this evening.

Science fiction lovers started to wait with excitement after the trailer released in the past weeks. bee 2039will meet the audience this evening on BluTV. Börü 2039, produced by the creator of the series, Alper Çağlar, together with Doruk Acar, received its first note from the audience with its intriguing story and visual narration. tonight at 20:39 You will get it with the first part.

Börü 2039 will introduce new characters to the audience as well as the characters we know from the past productions of the series. With a futuristic world narrative Many successful actors such as Murat Arkın, Tuğba Sunguroğlu, Tuğçe Açıkgöz, Doğan Bayraktar, Cenay Türksever, Ozan Ağaç, Ahmet Pınar, Cansel Elçin, Deniz Uğur and Emir Benderlioğlu will appear in the production, which will present interesting landscapes.

Scenes from the future that make you say ‘I wonder’:

One of the most intriguing aspects of Börü 2039 is the interesting ‘facts’ it offers about the future. The series will begin in 2024 a new epidemican America churned by a giant volcanic eruption, The price of Bitcoin years later that made you say ‘look, this will be for sure’ It will meet the details that we can connect with our current agenda, such as our current agenda, our excitement and curiosity about the future with its scenario.


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Of course, the only details about the future in the series are not the ‘prophecies’ that take their strength from the present. Like Börü 2039, Gamma Artificial Intelligence to Ash Cue, CCR6 Omega gene from AVAX with many concepts about the future It has created a universe of its own.

The first episode of the series With its first broadcast at 20:39 Do not forget to share your comments with us after watching on BluTV.

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