First Developer Preview of Android 15 Released!

Google released the first developer preview of Android 15. Although this preview is aimed at developers in general, it gives clues about what we will see in the new version.

Google is the product that users have been waiting for with great curiosity. First developer preview of Android 15 officially released today. Of course, this preview is aimed at developers who want to prepare their applications rather than end users, as every year. So there isn’t a lot of information.

However, Google still gave signals of what we will see with Android 15. In addition, information was shared about the schedule of the new version of the operating system. preview you can reach here possible.

Android 15 will focus on security and bring much-desired innovations in the camera

Android 15 will come as a version that focuses most on security and privacy and will continue Google’s approach on this issue. Aiming to protect the user’s privacy on the internet and replacing third-party cookies Privacy Sandbox We will see the final version in the release. It will also include greater protection against malware sneaking into application files.

Of course, we will not only see innovations in the field of privacy and security. Google shared a few of the other innovations, although not many. Like Instagram with Android 15 Camera experience in third-party applications will be improved. This way, apps will have access to advanced camera features such as low-light improvements. We should point out that Samsung has also been working on such an innovation recently.


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Apart from this, it was first introduced in Android 14 QPR2 partial screen sharing Support is also available in Android 15. This feature allows you to hide notifications and other unwanted applications while screen recording or sharing. So, you can only record one application instead of your entire device screen.

This is all we know about the features in Android 15 for now. We will share other features with you as they become available.

When will Android 15 be available?

According to Google’s post, beta versions of Android 15 will start to be released around April. So we will be able to see more detailed information at that time. When we look at the calendar The new version will arrive in the fall as expected. we can see. Android 15 will arrive when Google introduces the next generation Pixel phones, unless there is a surprise. We saw that Android 14 arrived in October last year. We may see a similar history again.

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