Facebook’s Risk of Penalty from Russia Continues

Recently, Facebook received a warning from Russia for having banned content on its platform. Against this penalty, which can reach up to 10 percent of its revenues in Russia, Facebook has removed the content in question. But the risk of being punished still remains.

Social media giant yesterday Facebookhas caused chaos to its users. Facebook, Instagram and to WhatsApp Users who could not reach them began to panic as the outage took longer than expected. The currently fixed issue had caused enough damage in a short period of time from the outside.

But this is not the only problem with the platform. Last week on his own platform and on his Instagram inappropriate content Facebook, which got into trouble with its hosting and not taking action against them for a long time, partially Even though he has removed it, it seems that he will not be able to completely get rid of the big penalty he will receive from the Russian side.

You would do when I said:

Russian Federal Information Technologies and Mass Media Supervision Agency (Roskomnadzor) requested to remove child abuse, content that encourages children to use drugs, and content that calls for them to participate in demonstrations against the state. If Facebook does not delete these contents, the annual income from Russia up to 10 percent would be fined.

According to the data of the Russian-based newspaper Vedomosti, Facebook’s annual revenue from Russia 165 to 538 million dollars varies between


Facebook has released the said content from its platform. partially removed though he may not be able to avoid the fine. The reason for this is both deleting the contents. delay and still a lot of content is on the platform accessible to be.

According to Russian laws, the platform is responsible for the content in question, following the warning. within a few days Should have deleted it. In addition, Roskomnadzor officials, On Facebook 1043, on Instagram if 973 that the content is still available.


Facebook Explains Behind the Scenes of Hours-Long Outage

In the lawsuits filed following Roskomnadzor’s complaint, Facebook 70 million rubles was fined. In addition, what happened yesterday made the platform very expensive financially.

What happened yesterday?


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