Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp are starting to come into their own

Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram, which have been out of service for hours due to access problems, seem to have finally started to come into their own. While some users have regained access to services, the majority of them still have access problems.

Facebook, which has experienced one of the biggest cuts in its history, seems to have started to come into its own. Facebook main application, services such as Instagram and WhatsApp, some users has started working again. However, it should be noted that the systems still do not work in the ‘normal’ course and a large group of users continues to have access problems.

In our own checks, we saw that WhatsApp messages could be sent and received again by ‘some’ users, and the Instagram and Facebook feeds were renewed with new posts. However, some of its statements here are extremely important because most people still do not use any of these services. cannot access.

Facebook expected to gradually introduce access again

A world-renowned company that provides content delivery network, DDoS protection, internet security and domain name server services. CloudFlareDane Knecht, Senior Vice President of , made a statement on his Twitter account. Facebook will reopen access in a controlled manner.Therefore, he stated that the access problem will be resolved gradually.

Statement from Facebook and Facebook CTO:

Facebook made the following statements in a post on its official Twitter account:

To the huge community of people and businesses around the world who trust us: Sorry. We are working hard to restore access to our apps and services, and we are happy to report that they are now back online. Thank you for being with us.

Facebook CTO Mike Schroepfer explained that it may take some time before Facebook is fully online again. Schroepfer de “To every small and large business, family and person who has trusted us, I’m sorry.‘ he said.

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