Extremely Realistic Cyberpunk 2077 Mod [Video]

A lighting mode developed for the popular video game Cyberpunk 2077 allows the line between reality and the game to disappear, especially in some scenes.

One of the biggest privileges of those who prefer to play games on computers is modes. Although some of these mods developed by game enthusiasts make very simple changes, some manage to take the game to the next level. Finally Cyberpunk 2077 A shared mod for makes the game almost real.

Outdoor scenes become reality

DubStepZz The mod developed by makes vehicle coverings particularly realistic. In fact, this realism is more similar to the realism in visual arts than the reality we see when we go out to the streets. In other words, the cars in the game resemble the cars we see in a movie or an advertising poster.

Lighting package unfortunately in all fields It does not have the same success, but we realize once again that we are in the game, especially when it comes to in-car consoles and organic structures such as people. Some weapons or skins turn a little plastic with this light, looking like plastic copies of themselves. However, in general, it is possible to say that it has seriously changed the existing structure of the game and added a new atmosphere to the game. Especially the use of light in terms of storytelling We can see that it adds depth to the scenes where it is important.


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