Explained Why Puppies Are More Cute

The facial expressions of our cute friends, especially when they are puppies, can become unbearable for many of us. Have you ever thought about why? Why puppies are so cute to us has finally been explained ‘scientifically’ and now we know.

A deep bond has been established between dogs and humans for a long time, and this bond continues to grow with each passing day. When we look around us today almost everyone has at least one pet we see that. Of course, among these animals, the number of cats and dogs that are loyal friends of humans is quite high.

as with everything that the puppy of dogs is also cute have to say. With innocent facial expressions that have the power to make us do almost anything they want, it may not be possible to resist them. Well, have you ever thought about the reason why puppies are sweeter to us? Let’s examine the results of scientific research on the subject together.

It has been determined that dogs have been domesticated in such a way that they can make facial expressions similar to humans

The implications of this statement are of particular interest to me and those with dog friends like me. As the owner of two dogs, one of which is a puppy, I can tell that my puppy has avoided all his mischief with cute facial expressions. As a matter of fact, I never sat down and thought about the real reason for this. But when I look at it now, it really is Many of us have a special sympathy for puppies. Except when they’re misbehaving, of course. A research group from Duquesne University was able to answer the reason for our sympathy. The team believes that the biggest reason for this is human-made attempts to tame them. genetic changes says it is.

The research shows that with these genetic changes, the facial muscles of dogs come to a level close to the muscles we have. This Thanks to their flexible muscles, they can raise their eyebrows to make their eyes look bigger. and they can make that expression we can’t stand. Especially since these muscles are much more flexible in puppies, facial expressions can be seen much more clearly. Moreover, they not only make these facial expressions, but they also have a much more unique ability than other creatures to understand humans. This shows that they can instinctively understand our mood and react in this way.


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Although the bond between us and our canine friends goes back a long time, our friends, whose genetics people play with according to their wishes, do not always have beautiful features such as ‘cute facial expressions’. This, pugs and bulldogs have trouble breathing and heart ailments seen in many breeds can be cited as an example. However, being aware of our friends’ special situations and being able to ignore some of their little mischief is also an indication of how strong our bond is.

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