European Central Bank Targeted Bitcoin: It Doesn’t Meet the Criteria!

The European Central Bank (ECB) stated that Bitcoin (BTC) is a speculative asset that does not meet reserve criteria.

European Central Bank Board Member Isabel Schnabel, after the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved spot Bitcoin ETFs in the statement found.

In the said statement, it was stated that Bitcoin belongs to the ECB. does not meet the criteria for foreign reserves while also stating unreliable And speculative revealed that it was an entity.

These statements made by Schnabel after the ETF approval of the data by the SEC revealed that the European Central Bank did not take a similar approach to the issue:

The ECB’s objectives regarding the management of foreign exchange reserves are shaped within the scope of liquidity, security and returns. Bitcoin is a speculative asset that does not meet our criteria for foreign reserves.

The European Central Bank has recently Making harsh statements about cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin was found and brought to the agenda. President of the European Central Bank Christine LagardeHe is also known as an anti-Bitcoin personality.

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