Entry to Woodlands Banned Until October 31st

The Ministry of Interior announced that entry to forest areas is prohibited until 31 October with a circular issued. The decision came after temperatures rose and human activity increased in risky areas.

With the arrival of summer and the warming of the weather, concerns about forest fires, which we see frequently in our country, started to increase. The Ministry of Interior announced that a measure has been taken on this issue with a circular issued today.

According to the circular, entrances to areas where there is a risk of forest fire are prohibited. prohibitions, 31 October 2023 will continue to date.

Fire risk rises due to increased temperatures and increased human mobility in forest areas

The Ministry stated that within the framework of the data received from the General Directorate of Meteorology, air temperatures in some regions are above seasonal normals. In addition, the increase in human mobility in and around forest areas and It is predicted that the risk of forest fire will increase. was also transferred.

In the circular, it draws attention to garden cleaning, burning garbage, picnic and shepherd fire, lightning, intention, neglect and other situations in forest areas until the specified date. making fire and entering was declared prohibited. It was added that the monitoring activities of the authorities will increase with methods such as drone and KGYS during the ban.


Why Are Temperatures Breaking Record After Record? Moreover, at least 10 more records are expected and we can see above 50 degrees!

A similar decision was taken by the end of August last year for forest fire risk areas. However, it was noteworthy that this year’s decision was made by the end of October.

Source :
https://www.aa.com.tr/tr/gundem/icisleri-bakanligi-genelgesi-ile-orman-alanlarina-girisler-31-ekime-kadar-yasaklandi/2938822#:~:text=%C4%B0% C3%A7i%C5%9Fleri%20Minister%C4%B1%C4%9F%C4%B1n%C4%B1n%20yay%C4%B1mlad%C4%B1%C4%9F%C4%B1%20circular%20with,to% 20forest

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