End-to-End Encryption Coming to Many of Apple’s Apps

Apple announced today that many Apple apps will come with end-to-end encryption with new iOS, iPadOS and MacOS updates.

First in 2010 Text Secure entered our lives with the messaging application named end-to-end encryptionOver the years, it had come to Skype and many large and small applications. End-to-end encryption, which became popular with the inclusion of this feature in messages by WhatsApp, simply puts the messages and all other data sent between the user and the other receiver or server. encryption with a special method means.

Apple said in a statement today. 9 more to your service announced that it will offer end-to-end encryption service. Among them are applications that may not seem so important at first, but are actually vital.

End-to-end encryption will be available to all Apple users

Apple’s “Advanced Data Protection” well Advanced Data Encryption It already features end-to-end encryption, including messages (when backup is turned off), iCloud keychain, health data, and search history in the Maps app. in many applications was supported. End-to-end encryption feature with new upcoming update device backupmessages backup, notesphotos, remindersvoice memos, safari favoritesSiri shortcuts, and Apple wallet data will also support.

Thanks to this update, which will come to all Apple users with iOS 16.2, iPadOS 16.2 and MacOS 13.1, it will ensure that devices are much more secure. With this update, which will make people happy, especially those who save their important data in the Notes application and want to keep their photos safe, it is in the Apple ecosystem. Only 3 apps will remain without end-to-end encryption.


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Apple also has apps for Email, Contacts, and Calendar. can’t get end-to-end encryption because these applications use “old-fashioned” technologies and these services can have end-to-end encryption. that all service providers should work together states.

It is stated that iOS 16.2, iPadOS 16.2 and MacOS 13.1 updates will be released at the end of December in the USA and in the first days of 2023 in other countries.

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