Elon Musk Made a Statement on the Price of the Mars Ticket

SpaceX founder Elon Musk gave a talk about how much a ticket to life on Mars would cost in an interview with TED chair Chris Anderson. Musk stated how much the Mars ticket could be in the future and that he thinks this amount is ‘affordable’.

Elon Musk’s company SpaceX plans to build a self-powered city on the red planet Mars in the coming years. In a conversation with Chris Anderson, chair of TED conferences, published Monday, Musk said, Asked for the price of a trip to Mars. Although Elon Musk’s answer was normal according to him, it surprised the public a little.

Musk said that the price will be determined by the current state of the economy, and at the same time, the trip to Mars will attract the nearly one million people needed to build a city on Mars. the need to make it cost-effective stated that there is.

“Ticket to Mars should be $100,000”

TED chair Chris Anderson tells Musk that a ticket to Mars Like $100,000 ‘affordable’ some amount He asked if it would. Answering the question, Elon Musk used the following statements: “Moving to Mars could cost $100,000 and I think almost anyone could work and save that amount and go to Mars if they wanted to.

According to previous reports, SpaceX founder Elon Musk is planning to build a city on Mars by 2020 by 2050. Sending 1 million people to Mars He has stated that he plans to build 1,000 SpaceX Starship spacecraft over 10 years. He was the first man to land on Mars. in 2029 predicted he could do it.


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So if you can start saving for $100,000 now, maybe 7 years from now you can become a citizen of Mars. By the way, while writing this news, the current exchange rate 1 dollar = 14.65 Turkish lira. What are you thinking? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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