Elon Musk Doesn’t Know the Identity of Bitcoin’s Inventor

Elon Musk said in his statements on Lex Fridman’s podcast that he does not know the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, the inventor of Bitcoin (BTC).

Tesla’s billionaire boss, in human history “a technology with a completely anonymous inventor” to have “interesting” thinks it is.

Talking about the ideas that played a key role in the emergence of Bitcoin, Musk said that when we look at the dates before its emergence, these ideas have evolved over time. “how you evolved”It can be seen who came up with these ideas, he said.

“Of course I don’t know who invented bitcoin.” said Musk, “It seems that Nick Szabo had more to do with the development of these ideas than anyone else. […[ o, Nakamoto olmadığını iddia ediyor ama [bitcoin’in ardında yatan] the ideas seem to belong to him more than anyone else.” said.

Nick Szabo appeared before Bitcoin, in addition to his work in various fields By inventing Bit Gold known. In 2014, Szabo responded to the allegations that he could be Satoshi Nakamoto. “get used to” but his that there is no satoshi had emphasized.

The billionaire name is especially popular with cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin today. payment process It is very costly to do but A kind of crypto currency of the future official currency of Mars thinks it might.

“I think Mars will need a different currency […] I don’t know if there could be something like crypto money on Mars but it seems likely, but it would be something localized on Mars […] The Martians must decide the future of Mars.”

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