Electric bill soaring with devices plugged in – ShiftDelete.Net

Most of us leave our power tools plugged in. Television, computer, game consoles, oven and washing machine are just a few of them. Devices that stay in stand-by position in this way actually put a surprisingly large load on their electricity bills.

A study conducted in England revealed the cost of phones and laptops left in stand-by mode or overcharged to the country. Just by being a little more careful, we can reduce our rising bills a little bit. In this way, we have a chance to prevent unnecessary energy consumption.

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Plugged devices increase the electricity bill!

According to a study by British Gas, the annual cost of ‘vampire devices’ to the UK is over £2.2 billion (approximately TL 41 billion at current exchange rates). According to the statement, every household in England pays an extra 147 pounds (2 thousand 737 lira) of bills per year due to appliances left in the socket.

As you can see, the cost of the devices left in this way is not low at all. By unplugging the devices we do not use, we have a chance to reduce our electricity bills a little. This way we can sneak up on our bills. In addition, if this movement is adopted by the whole country, we can prevent the loss of our national wealth.

Experts also give various recommendations to avoid vampire devices:

  • At night or when not in use, turn off the power of the devices instead of going into standby mode, as even the standby light on the TV uses energy.
  • Try not to overcharge your mobile phone and laptop unnecessarily. As soon as your device charges, try to unplug it and make it a habit. This not only saves energy, but also extends battery life.
  • Smart meters can help determine how much energy is used at different times of the day, so you can see where energy is wasted.

As you can see, we can take significant savings steps just by changing habits. So what do you think about devices that stay in standby mode? Give your feedback in the comments section or SDN ForumYou can share with us on.

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