El Salvador’s Economy Minister Zelaya: We can’t sleep poor and wake up millionaires

El Salvador’s Minister of Economy, Alejendro Zelaya, stands behind his plans to adopt Bitcoin as a legal currency despite all the pressure.

According to Bloomberg news, the country’s Bitcoin legal accept it as a currency less than a year Attempts by the financial world to discourage El Salvador from this move it does not work looks like. El Salvador Economy Minister Alejandro Zelayaof digital currency tourism and investment It also attracts the largely unbanked public. financial service opportunity noting that the government’s Bitcoin strategy states that it supports.

Zelaya, in an interview on Wednesday, said that Bitcoin has not yet been seen by some. not understand But Bitcoin’s slowdown in the economy will gain ground and continuity He said he would provide.

Bloomberg’s, Nayib Bukele’s from your posts According to his balance sheet based on El Salvador’s average He has 2,381 Bitcoins at an average cost of $44,000.. About the cost of El Salvador 50% lower loss of the country in the current market conditions $47.6 million means level.

A survey by the US National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) most business and consumer paying for goods and services that you still prefer to use foreign currency reveals. The IMF is also among the institutions that oppose El Salvador’s plans to recognize Bitcoin. government with the IMF. $1.3 billion for the backdrop bargain although still a inconclusive known.

El Salvador from Bitcoin investment damaged and many traditional financial institutions faced off even if won’t give up on his plans looks like. Economy Minister Zelaya said:

We are aware that we will not get results overnight, we cannot sleep poor and wake up as millionaires. Although job opportunities digitalized by new technologies frighten people at first, we are all taken for granted at the moment.

made his statements.

El Salvador is in the field of recognizing Bitcoin as a state many ahead of the developed world country. government in the near future. Issuing $1 billion worth of Bitcoin bonds and Build a bitcoin city It has innovative plans.

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