Eating Fast Food While Pregnant Puts Your Baby at Risk

The effect of fast food on the pregnancy process was investigated. Research has revealed that fast food consumption reduces milk production. Moreover, consumption of fast food increased the rate of dead children.

A group of scientists working at the University of Cambridge and the University of Chile, which many of us consume frequently. about fast food He did some important research. The study, conducted on mice and published in the journal Acta Physiologica, revealed a new effect of eating fast food on women. We warn our female readers; If you are pregnant or considering pregnancy, try to eat fast food. You must leave immediately

Research has shown that eating fast food and consuming beverages with high sugar content can affect women’s health. immediate effect revealed. So much so that rats saturated with high-fat foods and high-sugar drinks, milk production rates had fallen seriously. This resulted in the death of the baby mice. But the danger was not just that.

Consuming fast food during pregnancy has deadly consequences!

To get the most detailed results, the researchers used mice they categorized. Under this categorization, some mice were given a special diet before pregnancy, some during pregnancy, and some after birth. This special diet, which imitated fast food consumption, was enough to reveal the extent of the danger. So much so that rats consuming fast food before and during pregnancy even the formation of the placenta was different. This difference led to an increase in the number of dead offspring.


Explained Why Some People Avoid Fast Food (No, Not For Being Unhealthy)

According to research even for a very short time Exposure to a fast food diet adversely affects health. Because fast food has a negative effect on almost every part of the body, especially the liver; this too an unhealthy mother resulting in an unhealthy offspring. So what should be done in this situation? Now let’s look at the comments of the experts who carried out the research.

“Pre-pregnancy education should be given”


Professor Sferruzzi-Perri, who made statements about the research, said that the only thing to be done at this point education is says. According to the scientist, women should be educated years before pregnancy about the effects of fast food on their bodies and offspring. Otherwise, the health of both the child and the mother may deteriorate and this can have fatal consequences

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