Donkey Theft That Puts Their Extinction in Danger

There are almost 53 million donkeys living in the world, and more than half of them are in Africa. Although their numbers seem large, donkeys may become extinct due to the demand for beauty products. So what and how are they used?

Most of the donkeys, which are abundant in Africa, are kept by their owners throughout their lives. after being exploited to transport goods or people It is sold or stolen like a commodity for another purpose.

Gelatin obtained from their skin is thought to have healing properties, especially in Chinese medicine. The demand for donkey skin is so high that They are about to become extinct.

Approximately 6 million donkeys every year; They are killed to extract collagen from their skin for beauty products such as food and beverage supplements and face creams used in Chinese medicine.

Generations decreased by 76% in 25 years export of donkey skins While it was illegal in some countries, it was legal in Africa. Moreover, due to the high prices of donkeys, theft also increased. Merchants; He persuaded poor donkey owners to sell them, and those he could not persuade, he stole their donkeys.

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Although African Union countries have approved a new bill that prohibits the slaughter and export of donkeys, unfortunately the trade still continues illegally. animal rights activists, The same decision should be taken in all countries and this ban should be followed. is struggling with the issue.

So what is all this for?

donkey theft

Claimed to reduce wrinkles, cure anemia, increase energy and increase libido. traditional Chinese medicine “Eijao”, This led to an increase in the demand for donkey skin gelatin. To make “Eijao”, donkey skin is boiled to obtain gelatin. This is gelatin; It is consumed in pill, liquid or powder form or added to food. Just like beef gelatin in the products we eat.

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Approximately 6 million donkeys are killed every year for Eijao cream. Gelatin production is 160% in 5 years It increased. If donkey exploitation continues at the same pace, donkeys will now be among the endangered species in Africa within 3-6 years.

They are subjected to inhumane treatment.

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Warning, this paragraph may contain triggering elements.

Donkeys squeezed out of small, dirty, concrete-floored pens; It lives standing in its own feces and urine. They are so malnourished that their ribs are sticking out. In some images, farmers; He hits the donkey’s head with a sledgehammer and cuts its throat, and after some of the donkeys are beaten to breathe and move continues.

The same situation actually applies to other animals.


experimenting on animals, in containing animal ingredients Behind all the products, there are other animals that are exploited, hit on the head with a sledgehammer, and tortured to death, just like donkeys.

As long as we continue to consume products of brands that test on animals, we continue this torture, even if we are not aware of it. Our consumption habits does not involve animal testing or animal ingredients When we replace and continue with brands, the demand for brands that experiment will decrease, so they may make various attempts to become among the brands without experiments. We have seen many examples so far.

Product belonging to any brand To understand whether animal experiments have been conducted or to learn its contents look for “cruelt-free/vegan” emblems on the front or back of these products; to search engines “… is the brand vegan?” You can direct the problem and make inquiries about this issue by downloading the “Deneysiz” application.

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