Dokuz Eylul University CODEU Algorithm Contest Begins!

The CODEU Algorithm Competition, which will be held for the second time this year by Dokuz Eylul University, invites students to join the adventure this year as well.

Organized for the first time in 2021 by Dokuz Eylül University IEEE Computer Society. CODEU Algorithm Contest this year, it was opened to the participation of all university students from all over Turkey.

Organized as a hybrid this year, the competition welcomes the competitors from the regions around İzmir who will participate in the competition face to face. hosting on campus offers the opportunity.

You too can join this adventure and win prizes!

CODEU (Dokuz Eylül University Computer Society) winners of various awards In addition, it aims to keep the excitement always fresh with the draws to be held throughout the competition.

You can join the competition and join the adventure by creating a team of 1 to 3 people. Besides It will take place on May 27 All university students are invited to the event.

You can join the competition and join the adventure by creating a team of 1 to 3 people. For detailed information, you can reach the ieeedeucs Instagram page and click here for the application form.

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