Does it still make sense to buy an iPhone from abroad?

Due to the increasing exchange rate and tax rates in Turkey recently, many people started to prefer to buy phones from abroad. This situation caused a price difference between the Turkish and foreign prices of the phones by almost half. In this advantageous situation, many consumers were able to buy the phone they wanted more profitably. However, with the latest developments, the situation has changed.

14 thousand TL increase was made in the passport (IMEI) registration fee on phones!

According to the New Official Gazette decision, there has been a huge increase in the passport registration (IMEI) fee on phones. Previously, in order to use a phone purchased abroad in Turkey, the device had to be registered on your own passport, and a payment of 6 thousand TL was made for this transaction.

Buying an iPhone from abroad no longer makes sense: Passport (IMEI) registration fee has increased!

Buying an iPhone from abroad no longer makes sense: Passport (IMEI) registration fee has increased!

It doesn’t make sense to buy an iPhone from abroad anymore. Passport-IMEI registration fee has been increased for phones worth 6 thousand TL. Here are the details…

However, according to the latest statement, passport registration fees have been increased to 20 thousand TL. This will reduce the advantage of bringing phones from abroad and cause consumers to reconsider their preferences.

If a phone does not have a passport registration in Turkey, the device can only be used for 120 days. At the end of this period, the device is disconnected from the networks and network-requiring features such as calling and SMS cannot be used.

Therefore, consumers have to register it on their own passport. However, the increased passport registration fee will make this process more costly and enable consumers to evaluate more carefully when purchasing a phone.

Decision taken in the Official Gazette:

Number of Decisions: 7344

It has been decided to put into effect the attached “Decision on the Re-determination of the Fixed Fees in the Tariffs under the Fees Law No. 492” in accordance with the reiterated article 138 of the Fees Law No. 492.


Article 1- (1) Except for the section titled “II-Driver’s License Fees” in the tariff numbered (9), subject to the Fees Law No. 492 dated 2/7/1964, the fixed fee amounts applied in 2023 (minimum amount of fixed and relative fees) are included in the tariffs. and the terms determining the maximum amounts) were increased by 50 percent, and the fee amount in the paragraph (1) of the section titled “VIII-Telephone usage permit fee brought with the passenger” of the tariff numbered (8) was re-determined as 20 thousand TL.

Article 2- (1) This Decision enters into force on the day following its publication.

Article 3- (1) The provisions of this Decision are executed by the Minister of Treasury and Finance.

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