Do you earn more than the average German?

Good salaries

The Stepstone job platform has analyzed over 500,000 salary data and evaluated the sectors and job profiles in which employees earn well above average.

(Photo: Getty Images)

Berlin People don’t talk about money – this mantra is still deeply rooted in the German labor market. This is not only reflected in the fact that most job advertisements lack clear salary information. Colleagues rarely talk about it either.

If there is a salary discussion, there is often a great deal of uncertainty as to how much one can ask. What amount is appropriate for my position? How much is paid in my industry and how does company size and professional experience affect it?

Stepstone’s current salary report provides an overview of how much employees can earn depending on the job, industry or region. The analysts have evaluated more than 500,000 salary data. These come from users of the job platform and are not older than two years. Only full-time employees were considered. The Handelsblatt also asked remuneration experts how salaries will develop in 2022 and what else can be expected.

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