Removal of Integral from the Curriculum Became a Trending Agenda on Social Media

Citizens who saw that integral was removed from the draft shared by the Ministry of National Education took the issue to social media.

Ministry of National Education for compulsory courses to be given at all education levels. Türkiye Century Education Model He shared a new curriculum draft under the name. Citizens will be able to express their opinions about the draft curriculum in question within 1 week. The draft, which was stated to have been put forward as a result of 10 years of work and meetings attended by many teachers and academics, became the subject of controversy due to a small but critical section.

The part of the draft that attracts citizens’ attention is; From the mathematics program of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades, basic integral subject It happened that it was removed. This decision, criticized by many experts and engineers on social media, is included in the Ministry of Education’s draft mathematics for high schools.

“Limit and derivative concepts were discussed more comprehensively.”

The concepts of limit and derivative, which constitute the most effective mathematical methods and tools for examining changes through functions, and the applications of these concepts are included under the theme of Mathematics of Change in the 12th grade. The concept of integral, which is currently presented in a very limited and transaction-oriented manner, is not included in the program., limit and derivative concepts are discussed more comprehensively. In addition to the limit forming the basis of the derivative, the dimension of the limit being a tool for examining the behavior of a function around a certain point or at infinity is also included. In derivative, in addition to the existing contents, the concept of differential, mean value theorem and Rolle’s theorem, which are thought to have an important role in making sense of the changes and in the applications of the derivative, are included. Comments and inferences about derivatives are included with a problem-solving oriented approach.

Reactions to the decision on social media:

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