I upgraded an ugly window in my kitchen and created a beautiful view – it’s an easy DIY anyone can do

AN interior designer has revealed how he upgraded an “ugly” window in his kitchen.

He said not only was it easy to put together but brightens up the entire room.


Marco, an interior designer, revealed how he transformed his kitchen windowCredit: tiktok.com/want.zamora

Marco Zamora (@want.zamora) shared the video with over 490,000 TikTok followers.

The Los Angeles-based interior designer was inspired after he added a spice rack to his kitchen and decided to amp things up a notch.

“In my kitchen, I have a window with an ugly view and I want to do something about it,” he said.

He explained that he was a plant enthusiast and always dreamed of having overfilling flowerboxes outside his window.

“Unfortunately I’m renting and there’s not much I can do outside of the building so I went back to the drawing board and found this photo,” he said.

He was inspired by the picture and realized the project could be pretty simple.

After picking up some wood from Home Depot, he used four pieces to assemble a frame and settled on a 3×6 grid.

Next, he stained the wood and assembled the grid.

He propagated a plant and placed all the babies in his grid.

“Now I have a beautiful view to look at whenever I’m doing the dishes,” he said.

People took to the comments to share their thoughts on his kitchen makeover.

“Absolutely gorgeous,” said one obsessed commenter.

“This is genius,” agreed another.

He propagated plants and placed them on his DIY grid


He propagated plants and placed them on his DIY gridCredit: tiktok.com/want.zamora

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