Date Announced: Binance Will List This Altcoin!

Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, announced its 40th Launchpool project. Fusionist (ACE), the native token of the decentralized web3, game and blockchain project Endurance, was determined as Binance’s choice. A review containing detailed information and questions about the listing date of ACE token on December 18.

Chance to Win ACE on Binance Launchpool

Binance offers its users the opportunity to earn ACE tokens with its 40th Launchpool project. The details of this new project, where those who want to earn ACE can farm for 5 days starting from December 13, include BNB or FDUSD staking options. Launchpool, which will be the distribution of ACE with a total supply of 147 million, is starting soon.

Staking BNB and FDUSD in ACE Token Rewards

Binance announced in detail the ACE rewards reserved specifically for users who stake BNB or FDUSD in the ACE Launchpool project. In this program, where a total of 10.29 million ACE will be distributed as a reward, 80% of the reward will be in the BNB pool and 20% in the FDUSD pool. Information about ACE shares allocated to users and reward details are provided based on Binance’s statements.

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