Cyberpunk 2077 is free this weekend!

CD ProjektRed, Cyberpunk 2077over the next weekend of PlayStation 5 And Xbox Series announced that it can be played for free. The event, which will start on Thursday, March 28, will continue until Monday, April 1. Anyone with a new generation console will be able to play Cyberpunk 2077.

Subscriptions such as PlayStation Plus or Xbox Game Pass will not be required to access the free trial. However, during the trial period, the total game time is limited to only 5 hours. This means players won’t have the chance to try out the entire story over the weekend.

CD Projekt Red wants to show the renewed version of Night City to the players within the free weekend campaign. The game, which was first released in 2020 and struggled with major problems, was virtually reborn with major updates.

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With major updates, stability problems were resolved and new features such as the fast travel system by subway were added. Last year, the Phantom Liberty expansion pack starring Idris Elba was also released.

Those who have not yet experienced Cyberpunk 2077 or want to return to Night City can test the game between March 28 and April 1. It should be reminded again that this trial version is limited to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.

On the other hand, as of April 1, Cyberpunk 2077 will become paid again. After completing the 5-hour trial version, you can purchase the game and continue the story from where you left off.

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