Creative Advertisements You Will Admire – Webtekno

There are some advertisements that know no limits in creativity, highlight intelligence, and become memorable with unique formations. We have compiled some of the campaigns that abandon the blandness of classic advertising posters, push the limits of imagination and attract customers by using art skillfully.

Standing out in new generation advertising design guerilla marketing We come across many examples, from technology to designs that make a difference just by using the power of words.

Inside advertising agencies we congratulate “How did you come up with this?” Let’s take a closer look at the examples we mentioned.

Active noise canceling feature in Samsung headphones

With Samsung ears, even baby sounds can sometimes turn into an opera. Samsung has introduced this series to everything from the sound of a herd of dogs to a concert sound, from a carnival sound to a musical sound. with different designs reinforced.

Let it taste the way it should.

glad ad

Glad has very successfully explained what can happen if the food is not wrapped in stretch film. Both simple It is also an example of impressive advertising design.

One mistake can ruin everything.

uno ad

There is a different perspective for the rules of the Uno game. in creativity “Wow” It took its place among the designs we will mention.

Pens that reflect true colors

faber castell true colors

Faber-Castell has prepared creative posters to promote its colored pencils called “True Color”. With these advertisements, it is strikingly visible how close the pencils are to real colors. simple idea, great app!

Perfect driving with BMW Golfsport

bmw advertising

You don’t need to know golf to be impressed by advertising. With a detail that will attract the attention of car enthusiasts simple design This advertisement is among BMW’s thoughtful advertisements.

LEGO scrutinizes many of its advertisements.

lego advertisement

LEGO not only used its imagination but also reflected it in its products. As always, LEGO continues to create the world beyond what we see. a creative advertisement He thought about the work.

The Red Crescent showed how to make an advertisement with just one sentence.

red crescent advertising design

We do not know whether this text came to mind after the Red Crescent’s collaboration with Raid, or whether they found the text first and then arranged for collaboration. nice idea It is obvious that it is.


The 155-Year-Old Controversial Adventure of the Red Crescent that brought it to the point of selling tents even to people in its own territory

Puma was also added to the teasing advertisements.

puma adidas send ad

Wanting to show who is superior, Puma targeted Adidas. This taunting advertisement The taste of their campaigns is also different.


The Story of Adidas and Puma’s Separation, Full of Intrigues, Resulting from the Enmity of Two Brothers

Don’t you immediately want to cream when you see it?

vaseline advertisement

Come on, “It’s good for stretch marks.” You thought this is it How did you think of it? dear advertising agency. It was a truly memorable advertisement.

A different perspective on the impact of the hat on the appearance.

creative advertising design

Hat company Hut Weber designed an advertisement that emphasizes how you can change with a hat. This advertisement raised the eyebrows of many people as it emerged that the only distinguishing feature between Charlie Chaplin and H*tler was their hats. caused a reaction.

Advertising design that the minister should look at again

mcdonalds advertising poster

If at first glance you see an advertising poster with two people kissing, look again. Because only in the visual about to eat the burger There is someone who is. McDonald’s describes this design, which it uses on Valentine’s Day, as follows: “Whether you are single or a couple, you can always come and enjoy McDonald’s.” He shared it with the slogan.

Even the Hulk needs a Band-Aid sometimes.

clever advertising designs

Band-Aid band-aid company, extravagant and clever brought together his sense of humor. In addition to emphasizing that everyone needs a band-aid, it also clearly shows that they produce a flexible and strong band-aid.

In this content where we have brought together some of the advertising designs from a vast world, you can which did you like it?


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