The International Automobile Federation made a statement regarding the PCR test results of those who took part in the F1 Turkish Grand Prix held in Istanbul on 8-9-10 October. Test results; showed that only 2 people among drivers, team members and all other staff had COVID-19.
Formula 1 Turkish Grand Prix, which took place this weekend, came to our country after successive cancellations and attracted great attention of F1 fans. As spectators were sparse all over the track, they were not at risk for COVID-19. However, drivers, team members and all other personnel; he was in constant contact and communication at this intense event.
However, if we look at the PCR tests, there were hardly any people who were at risk of transmitting the virus in the race. Of course, if the necessary precautions are not taken, the number of transmission chains created by the virus increases exponentially, and the number can be ineffective in some cases. However in 3 thousand 48 people Having only 2 infected people is not bad either.
2 people were infected
In the 16th leg of the 2021 Formula 1 World Championship, he made a statement after the Turkish GP held at Intercity Istanbul Park on 8-9-10 October. from the International Automobile Federation (FIA)provided information about the PCR test results of everyone involved in the event, except the audience. According to the statements of the FIA, 3 thousand 48 people, including F1 drivers, team members and officials, and other employees involved in the event, were PCR tested. However, only 2 people had positive findings in these tests.
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As you know and as we have all seen during the pandemic, an infected person can cause dozens of people to get the virus in a few days, and this number is always increasing exponentially unless the chain is cut with measures and quarantine. However, as far as we saw in the race, the employees at the event did not have a lack of precaution. Although it is more difficult to control the spectators, we can say that it is a safe event at least for those involved in the race.
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