Interesting Syndrome That Causes Children to Look Old: Progeria

What exactly is Progeria syndrome, which causes a 6-year-old child to look like a 60-year-old? What are the causes and symptoms?

In many parts of the world, there are children suffering from a syndrome that causes premature aging. These children are also in Turkey. there are 4 of them is known.

The reason for the emergence of the syndrome is not hereditary. The background of this situation, which seems interesting from the outside, is It’s pretty sad.

What exactly is this syndrome that causes premature aging?

HGPS (Hutchinson-Gliford Progeria Syndrome), derived from Greek and “getting old prematurely” means. Progeria, which is rare and characterized by accelerated aging in children, is unfortunately fatal.

Babies that have a healthy appearance when they are born, During the first 2 years of age, this accelerated aging begins to show its effects.

The symptoms seen when the syndrome occurs are as follows:

  • Hair loss
  • fat loss
  • growth failure
  • hip dislocation
  • Paralysis
  • old looking skin
  • Prominence in veins
  • Mental disability in some cases
  • Heart diseases (They usually die due to this at the age of 14-15 on average.)

So what causes it?

interesting syndromes

The syndrome occurs due to mutation in the gene called LMNA. This gene produces the “Lamin A” protein, which is the structural scaffold that holds the cell nucleus together. According to experts, Lamin A disrupts the nucleus and as a result of this cellular imbalance premature aging is seen.

There is also a version of this that occurs in later ages: Werner syndrome.

aging disease

In Werner’s syndrome, which occurs after adolescence and whose symptoms increase after the age of 20, people are more sensitive than their age. almost 30 years older it seems.

In this syndrome, hair loss, graying, hearing loss, tooth loss, cataracts, skin problems, osteoporosis, diabetes, cancer and heart disease Symptoms such as these appear.

In Turkey, there is Veysel with Progeria syndrome:

interesting diseases

There are 4 children known to have this syndrome in our country. One of them is Veysel. Veysel, who is now 11 years old, has thoughts about the future. hopes and dreams there is. According to the interview he gave to Anadolu Agency with his mother, he wants to be a soldier or a police officer when he grows up.

We hope that all children with this syndrome like Veysel respond positively to treatment and let them achieve their dreams.

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