Unforgettable Marketing Campaigns of Giant Brands

When we take a closer look at the fascinating world of brands, it is possible to see that quite colorful views emerge. In this content, we will examine the best marketing campaigns made by brands.

There is no doubt that marketing a little talent and a little creativity heat. When we add audacity and innovative thinking to the work, astonishing results emerge.

The marketing campaigns we will talk about shortly are in the world of brands. unforgettable campaigns It’s the kind of thing that will inspire admiration in those who see it succeeding.

Stating that he is proud of being second in the industry, Avis said: “We are trying harder.” campaign is one of the best examples.

Having lost the leadership in the car rental sector to its rival, Avis continues to be in second position in the market. “We try harder.” clever with the slogan turn it to advantage He had succeeded.

Avis uses a simple but effective strategy in its marketing campaign. He admitted that he was second. and that’s exactly why customers should choose them, he said.

They were not comfortable with being first and They were trying harder.

At work turn things to one’s advantage That’s what we call it!

Volkswagen’s “Think Small.” campaign is also one of the most popular ones.


This campaign for Volkswagen Beetle The importance of simple but effective thinking it reveals.

In this campaign, which highlights the small size of the Beetle in its simplest form, the Beetle is written in a humorous way. parking problem, fuel consumption etc. “Think small” is his solution to problems. attention was drawn by saying.

As you can guess, it is simple but also cleverly This campaign was very popular and became a great success as sales increased.

Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign is also among its iconic marketing campaigns.


First used in 1989 “Just do it.” (Just do it) The slogan managed to appeal to everyone by focusing on the most basic point of doing sports.

Since its early days everyone’s favorite This slogan achieved great success, supported by collaborations with famous athletes and bold advertising campaigns.

Burger King’s moldy Whooper campaign is both bold and creative.

It sounds like a brand in the food industry, such as Burger King, advertising a moldy product. Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it?

Burger King took a bold step in this regard and added Will not use preservatives or artificial flavors He announced it by choosing to do a Whooper commercial that was left to rot for 34 days.

This advertisement, which should normally be an appetite suppressant, increased sales by 14%. Moreover most successful marketing campaigns He also wrote his name among them.

By turning its imitators into a marketing strategy, KFC has accomplished a work that deserves to be included in this list.


Instead of suing the restaurants that were opened by imitating the KFC name, KFC turned this situation into a strategy and used the visuals of the imitation restaurants. “Guys, we are proud.” He made a print advertisement.

Taking an opportunity from every situation Proving that it is a knowledgeable brand, KFC managed to make its name among the most successful marketing campaign examples with this cleverly thought-out campaign.

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