Corona-News: Leopoldina expert: “We need contact restrictions immediately” – Head of the hospital company: “Run into disaster medicine”

Of the Chairwoman of the board of the German Hospital Society, Gerald Gass, warns tough triage decisions in hospitals. With a view to the numerous Covid patients in the intensive care units, he said on Deutschlandfunk: “This is currently taking place in order to prepare for even more difficult situations. We are slowly but surely walking into a kind of disaster medicine. ”Triage means that medical professionals have to decide which patients to help first due to scarce resources. Even now, intensive care patients would be transferred to normal wards earlier “as medically justifiable”, explained Gaß. “We know: we can no longer provide all patients with the best possible treatment (…) that we usually have available.” That is a kind of triage. “When we talk about triage, it is a creeping process that is gradually becoming a reality,” said Gass. Patients and clinics would have to be prepared for the fact that even “medically more complicated cases”, for example, would have to expect their operations to be postponed.

Given the situation in some federal states is a hard lockdown well “absolutely necessary”. In Bavaria, Saxony and Thuringia “the point has long been passed where one could somehow wait”. Gass demanded urgent action here. “We don’t just need to break the trend here. We urgently need a real decline in the number of infections – and this can only be achieved through an extensive lockdown, which will probably not only affect the unvaccinated but also the vaccinated. “Corona patients transferred from hotspot- There will be more and more areas in other regions of Germany in the coming weeks. Gaß also no longer ruled out relocations abroad. “In total, hundreds of patients will certainly be transferred. But that is not a number that we experience every day, rather it is a number that then adds up. “

The patients who have been infected with Corona in the past ten days would come to the hospitals in the next ten or twelve days, Gaß warned.

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