Company’s New Name Is ‘Meta’

In addition to the exciting details revealed at this evening’s Metaverse presentation, Facebook’s new name has also been revealed.

Although its name has been mentioned with scandals in recent times, Facebook is a company that has managed to radically change social media. In addition to owning companies such as Instagram and Whatsapp, the name of the company, which has been involved in every subject with systems such as Facebook Gaming, has been popular with people for the last few years. insecurity it evoked.

It seems that Facebook is tired of this distrust, and last week, officials announced that the company’s name would be changed. Many people were wondering what the new name of the company would be, and they had already started generating ideas on social media. At tonight’s event Facebook’s new name officially announced.

Here is the new name of Facebook:

Facebook, your company from today that it will operate under the name “Meta” explained. Mark Zuckerberg, who stated that they wanted to change for a while because the Facebook name was no longer sufficient for them, said that the new name of the company would be renewed and will focus on the metaverse explained.


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So why is Facebook’s new name ‘Meta’?

Facebook demonstrated the company’s vision for the future at its event today. The company plans to bring the virtual and real world together with the technology called ‘Metaverse’. In this world where our real world has also become virtual, we will no longer be able to meet with our friends, workplace or any person we want physically, but virtually, play games and go to events.


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The new name of the company also comes from the word ‘Metaverse’. Metaverse is a name formed by a combination of two words. The first part of the word, ‘Meta’, ‘beyond normal‘ means. Verse is taken from ‘universe’ meaning ‘universe’. The name of Facebook’s new technology is also roughly ‘Universe beyond normalIt would not be wrong to say that it means ‘.

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