China’s rocket hitting the Moon, viewed with a telescope!

Earlier this year, we heard the news that one of SpaceX’s satellites crashed on the Moon and opened a crater. Although initially it seemed like the bill would be charged to SpaceX, over time it was reported that this satellite was a Chinese Long March C3 rocket. About space junk your worries The rocket that crashed into the Moon, which caused its birth, was shared with the public by NASA.

Unexpected decision from NASA for 10 quintillion dollar asteroid

NASA has delayed the Psyche asteroid exploration mission indefinitely. The asteroid, worth 10 quintillion dollars, is getting curious every day.

Rocket hitting the moon, photographed by NASA

In the image released by NASA, the damage caused by the rocket to the Moon’s surface is clearly visible. While there is no damage threatening the existence of the Moon, fears that space debris could open new craters on the lunar surface in the future cause panic. It was sent into space in 2014 and then part of the rocket system Long March 3C, which left it into space, was able to hit the Moon years later with the piece it left.

rocket hitting the moon
rocket hitting the moon

Not many details are available about the damage near the Hertzsprung crater. Earlier this year, however, the data was more blurred, and it was clear that the piece of satellite was owned by SpaceX. was assumed. Therefore, even sharing such a square with the public is a big deal.

Until a few years ago, the fuel tank of rockets sent into space was leaving the satellite after launch. Pieces of satellites that take an endless journey through space are sometimes other bodies could threaten. However, the separation of the fuel tank was abandoned with the new methods introduced by engineering. Thus, both the development of the satellite became easier and man-made objects such as the International Space Station became safer.

rocket hitting the moon
rocket hitting the moon

Although there are still those who question the Chinese ownership of this satellite piece, the result does not change much. Space garbage, which is thought to belong to SpaceX, is in any case a threat to the Moon and other space objects. Satellite designs in the coming years, minimal space junk must be designed to create

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