Cheapest and Most Expensive Flight and Bus Tickets [Güncel]

Obilet announced the cheapest and most expensive flight and bus tickets sold in Turkey. Additionally, the total number of bus and plane passengers in Turkey was also announced.

Obilet, one of Turkey’s most popular ticket sales platforms, announced travel statistics for 2023. Shared data includes the route with the most ticket searches in Turkey, the cheapest bus ticket, cheapest flight ticket and revealed an increase in interest in visa-free countries. Here are the cheapest and most expensive tickets we bought this year and our domestic and international travel trends.

The cheapest bus ticket was 10 TL and the cheapest flight ticket was 193 TL.

The cheapest bus ticket sold by Obilet in 2023, 10 liras and for the Vize (Kırklareli) – Saray (Tekirdağ) expedition. The cheapest flight ticket was for the Istanbul-Ankara flight and was only 193 TL paid. You can check the cheapest and most expensive prices for bus and plane tickets this year in the table below.

Cheapest and most expensive bus tickets

cheapest ticket most expensive ticket

10 TL (Visa-Palace)

1.700 TL (Van-Çanakkale)
Abroad 130 TL (Silopi-Zaho) 7.500 TL (Istanbul-Paris)

Cheapest and most expensive flight tickets

cheapest ticket most expensive ticket

193 TL (Istanbul-Ankara)

6.099 TL (Muğla-Istanbul)
Abroad 277 TL (Istanbul-Tehran) 140.066 TL (Istanbul-Toronto)

This year, we mostly searched Istanbul-Ankara for bus travel and Istanbul-Izmir for air travel.

The most searched routes for bus travel this year Istanbul-Ankara While on domestic flights; It became Istanbul-Izmir. While flights to Nicosia (TRNC) from Adana, Istanbul and Ankara are among the top 3 international flights, respectively, the most searched routes for flights to countries other than TRNC are. Istanbul-Baku and it became Ankara-Baku.

A total of 143 million people traveled by bus in Turkey this year.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, scheduled and non-scheduled bus services in 2023, 143 million registered passengers were transportedThus, it was shared that the annual increase in the number of registered passengers in the bus sector was 18 percent.

More than 45 million people traveled by plane domestically alone


According to measurements made by the State Airports Authority (DHMİ), 42.2 million people traveled domestically by plane in the first 11 months of 2023. Total year expected to reach 45.5 million The number of domestic air passengers in 2023 exceeded the figure of 39.3 million in 2022. However, it could not reach the record number of passengers of 56.5 million in 2018.

The rejection rate in visas has increased interest in visa-free countries

Due to the increase in the rejection rates of Turkish citizens for visa applications, the interest in visa-free countries for international flight tickets has increased. Ranked first in flight ticket searches Nicosia (TRNC) and BakuAfter (Azerbaijan) Batum (Georgia), Teheran (Iranian), Belgrade (Serbia) and Bangkok (Thailand) came.

source site-33