Chatting With Strangers Makes People Feel Happier

Many people avoid and shy away from deep conversations with people they don’t know. A new study has revealed that this is not always true, and that chatting with people you don’t know can have positive results.

Usually when we feel bad or lonely or want to communicate with someone. our families or of our friends we’ll go to him. So we limit our communication to a small group of people. Chatting with people we don’t know in such situations is for most of us.absurd’ or ‘scary’ may come.

A new study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Attitudes and Social Cognition found that many people’s ideas about communicating with strangers may not match the facts. Experts, as a result of experiments, people do with strangers ‘your deep conversations‘ found them to feel much better than anticipated.

Deep conversations with strangers make people happy

The researchers found that people’s expectations when interacting with people they don’t know were not consistent with the results. These results are consistent with what people do with strangers and people they’re close to in experiments on 1,800 participants.deep’ and ‘shallow’ It was obtained as a result of the comparison of the conversations described as

At first, the participants told the experts what they expected about a ‘deep’ conversation with a person they didn’t know. After the conversation, the participants were asked what really happened and how they felt. This allowed the experts to compare expectations with actual results. As a result of the investigations, people’s communication with foreigners they underestimate and after their conversations more connected and happy their feelings emerged.

Other experiments compared ‘shallow’, i.e., superficial conversations with ‘deep’ conversations, and conversations between close people and strangers. In the reviews here, participants’ expectations for conversations with people close to them were more accurate than those with strangers. This was because they knew that people who knew them closely would be more interested in them.

Interests and expectations can create psychological barriers to conversations


In addition, whether people’s interests and expectations create a psychological barrier to deep conversations with strangers and the opinions of the parties about each other were also examined. The authors of the article are about this situation, “Our experiments also aimed to test whether people systematically belittle, show interest in, and shy away from other people.” he said. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the participantscaressing’ It has been found that when talking to a person they see as a person, they talk about deeper topics. This supports the hypothesis of the experts, and the speeches made with a negative expectation psychological barriers may occur. revealed.


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As a result, the scientists emphasized that these results may vary from culture to culture, and underlined that the quality of life of people is directly proportional to the quality of social relations. That’s why strong communication with people can be beneficial and it is quite possible to have more meaningful conversations instead of having a superficial conversation with a person you don’t know. positive results reported in the published study.

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