ChatGPT gets a new feature!

According to the latest statement, ChatGPT will gain another new generation feature. The artificial intelligence assistant, which can now give its answers out loud, offers a great solution especially for users with vision problems. In addition, we will be able to easily hear the pronunciation of the languages ​​we want to learn. This new feature, which is stated to have many more benefits, is expected to take ChatGPT one step further. But at the end of the day, we will see how satisfied users will be with this innovation in the coming days. Here are all the details…

ChatGPT is equipped with a new feature

The feature, which is available both in the web version and on iOS and Android platforms, shows us the latest point that artificial intelligence technologies have reached. Voice reading, which can be used in GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 versions, covers 37 different languages. Thanks to the algorithm that automatically determines the written language, pronunciation errors are minimized. Anthrophic’s artificial intelligence assistant Claude, founded by former OpenAI employees, also offered a very similar feature recently.

ChatGPT gets another new feature!

In addition, we will be able to listen to the voice responses recorded in ChatGPT’s system over and over again and understand them better. In mobile applications, even a small media player has been designed for this purpose. It is said that this feature will be very useful for those trying to learn languages ​​through artificial intelligence algorithms. We are eagerly awaiting the next innovation that OpenAI will bring.

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OpenAI CEO invested heavily in Reddit!

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So what do you think about this issue? Do you think OpenAI’s strategy is correct? Do you use ChatGPT? You can easily share your answers with us in the comments section below. Your opinions are very valuable to us.

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