ChatGPT Extensions to Make Your Work Easier – Webtekno

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence tool that has been very popular since the first day it was released. However, this tool sometimes makes you wonder “I wish it had this feature.” It can make you say. We are sure that the ChatGPT extensions that come to your rescue will come in handy while using them. We have prepared a list of effective ChatGPT plugins for you, from restaurant reservations to creating slides. Moreover, we explained in detail what kind of functions it has!

ChatGPT, artificial intelligence It created a turning point in its field and became a tool that simplifies, enriches and makes our daily lives and business processes more efficient. But to unlock the true potential of ChatGPT and take it to the next level, there are various technologies that support and extend this technology. ChatGPT extensions And ChatGPT plugins is potentially important to use.

As we understand better how artificial intelligence works every day, the opportunities it offers surprise us more and more. At this point ChatGPT extensions And ChatGPT plugins Activated. If you are ready, let’s start opening the doors of the unique world with extensions and discovering how you can use the full potential of the artificial intelligence tool.

The most useful ChatGPT extensions and plugins:

  • WebPilot
  • smart slides
  • wolfram
  • Zapier
  • Ask Your PDF
  • Link Reader
  • VoxScript
  • DALL-E
  • Speak
  • OpenTable


WebPilot is a versatile open source plugin designed to facilitate seamless interactions with web pages. The plugin allows users to have natural and intuitive conversations with online content. Via WebPilot, users can enter a URL and rewrite, don’t translate can easily handle tasks such as:

Scanning plugin, to internet search engines WebPilot offers the opportunity to take this one step further by interacting with both single and multiple web pages. Users can review specific topics, search for research results, or learn about new topics. interactive learning can go on a journey.

Benefits of using WebPilot include interacting with web pages, extract valuable informationThere is the ability to perform content transformations such as rewriting or translating. So, as you can see, there is nothing in this extension.

smart slides

smart slides

If you need to create a Power Point presentation and you’re not sure where to start; smart slides, ChatGPT plugins It is seen as the best option for With a few simple tips and a little knowledge, you can set up the plugin to work on your presentation.

It is also very easy to use, academic or own in your personal affairs You can handle anything in a jiffy. Designed to create visually appealing slideshows for all kinds of different media, the plugin allows you to create a presentation based on your existing materials.

Depending on how much information you provide, it may take some time for the plugin to produce results. But from scratch slideshow Considering how long it takes to create, it’s sure to be a huge time saver.



Wolfram plugin, rich information through their platform, calculation and effective tools that can enhance ChatGPT’s capabilities by providing access to visualization ChatGPT plugins takes its place among them.

After installing this plugin, ChatGPT; science, technology, history and culture You can use it to benefit from the extensive resources of the Wolfram Knowledge Base, which covers all kinds of topics, including:

One of the most prominent features of the Wolfram plugin is its precise mathematical calculations. This feature allows you to answer complex questions or solving mathematical formulas When it comes to ChatGPT, it becomes an indispensable plugin.



Zapier ChatGPT extension With , you can easily connect to thousands of applications like Google Sheets, Gmail or Slack and perform tasks directly within ChatGPT. You can even ask ChatGPT to run a task in another application on your behalf.

There are a lot of integrations you can use with Zapier, spanning over 5,000 apps More than 50,000 actions makes it incredibly easy to do. To automate your tasks 2 or more You can connect the application.

Ask Your PDF

Ask Your PDF

There is nothing more tiring than getting information from PDFs, especially dealing with copying and pasting. Ask Your PDF plugin You can make this process very easy with . All you have to do is upload your PDF, enter the document ID it provides. ChatGPT pasting it into your query and letting the plugin do the rest.

While it can be a little frustrating to go through the separate process of uploading your document, it’s worth it for the time you’ll save scanning the PDF. Especially students This tool, which we believe will be an indispensable add-on, is the most useful tool in our opinion. ChatGPT plugins It is among.

Link Reader

Link Reader

Another tool that can help you summarize information from different sources ChatGPT extension also Link Reader extension. This plugin; It can understand and combine information from a variety of digital sources, including web pages, PDFs, PowerPoint slides, images, Word documents and more. Flexible and diverse If you are looking for an extension, this is for you.

With Link Reader commands articles You can quickly summarize and extract information from websites. It can also check and approve the latest news on certain topics.



Let’s face it, YouTube is a very rich platform, but understanding information in video format is not suitable for everyone. Although many videos on the platform now have transcripts, we can sometimes miss information. At this point VoxScript plugin comes to our rescue. It summarizes useful information by extracting transcripts from videos that have transcripts.

If you want to have a written format of video content, VoxScript ChatGPT extension It can be incredibly useful. Honestly, as your editor, I can say it is my favorite plugin, we are 100% sure that it will work, especially if your job is to write articles or prepare content like us.


The image was created with the AI ​​tool DALL-E.

Is there anyone who hasn’t heard of this amazing add-on? Particularly popular in recent times artificial intelligence visual creation Its tools can present you the visual you want in an incredibly creative way within seconds, depending on the text commands you enter. DALL-E plugin is the most well-known of these tools.

Moreover, you can give DALL-E a color palette, size, theme and make it do whatever you want. For example YouTube You wanted to make a banner for your channel but you don’t have money to pay for a graphic designer, in this case do not worry because if you turn the creative idea in your mind into text in a suitable way DALL-E He will overcome this many times over.


Speak plugin ChatGPT

If you are a language learner, ChatGPT can already help with simple translations, but as well as a more detailed translation extra context, alternative wording and when it comes to speaking in your chosen language, ChatGPT can’t do that. Of course if Speak If you haven’t downloaded the plugin.

You can also practice speaking with the plug-in, which supports languages ​​such as Spanish, French, German, Italian and Japanese, and you can also ask for help and tips. It will be like a medicine for those who want to practice. ChatGPT extensiona very useful tool.


OpenTable plugin ChatGPT extension

we use One of the best ChatGPT plugins one is OpenTable, which offers fast and hassle-free restaurant reservations on the go. The plugin is based on enabling users to book their time with the least effort possible. ChatGPT only date, time, location and number of people You just need to provide all the basic requirements such as.

The plugin then retrieves this information and automatically finds certain restaurants. The links provided by the plugin even lead to pre-populated booking details. If you are having trouble choosing a restaurant or finding a date with your lover/spouse/friend or family, we are sure that it will be very useful to you. Ready 14th February It’s worth taking a look as you approach. 🙂

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