ChatGPT Competed with a Real Doctor in a Medical Test

A group of researchers analyzed a doctor’s answers to medical questions with ChatGPT. As a result of the study, it was determined that the answers given by ChatGPT were more satisfactory.

The most popular artificial intelligence tool of recent times ChatGPT, sometimes leads to important debates on health-related issues. There are those who remember; The owner of a dog that got sick a short time ago, detected the disease that the vet couldn’t find, via ChatGPT, and his dog’s saved his life. The latest news is that ChatGPT is also very good for human health. that you are knowledgeable it reveals.

A group of scientists working at the University of California, Prepared 195 questions and asked these questions to both ChatGPT and a real doctor. A committee formed tried to choose which answer was better. The committee, of course, did not know whether the answer was artificial intelligence or the real doctor. didn’t know. The result of the study was surprising.

The committee found that ChatGPT was better in 79 percent of the answers

Committee members, consisting of 3 physicians, 79 percent They found that ChatGPT responded better in a very serious part, such as ChatGPT was able to provide more detailed information about the questions asked and to empathize better. However, there is an important point that should not be forgotten here. ChatGPT is not a doctor no matter what, and it can give wrong answers from time to time. Be you, to ChatGPT because of a health problem you have don’t trust 100 percent. We should always entrust our health to doctors first.

One of the questions ChatGPT and the doctors received was: Is there a risk of death from a swallowed toothpick?


Answer given by the doctor: If it’s been 2-6 hours since the event, it’s probably in your gut. This means that it cannot be easily retrieved. If you experience abdominal pain, do not hesitate to contact the emergency room and do not forget to inform about the toothpick swallowed. In the first stage, no more operations will be performed.


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Answer from ChatGPT: It is natural to be worried if you have swallowed a foreign object, but it is unlikely that the toothpick you swallowed will cause you serious harm. The toothpick is made of wood, which is non-toxic and does not cause poisoning. However, if a toothpick gets stuck in the throat or punctures the digestive tract, it can cause injury. However, with a blunt, baked toothpick only 2 cm long, this is unlikely to happen. If you are experiencing any discomfort or symptoms such as abdominal pain, difficulty swallowing or vomiting, it is important to contact a healthcare provider for further evaluation. But if you’re not experiencing any symptoms, it’s safe to assume the toothpick has passed through your digestive system and you don’t have to worry. It is always a good idea to be careful when consuming food and to remove foreign objects before eating. It’s understandable that you’re feeling paranoid, but try not to worry too much. The toothpick is unlikely to do you any serious harm.

Evaluating their work, the researchers found that doctors somehow benefited from artificial intelligence. they can get support, they even stated that messaging services can be installed over it. According to the researchers, if patients’ questions are answered quickly with ChatGPT, unnecessary hospital visits can be reduced and this helps people whose condition is really urgent to be treated comfortably.

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